Time is rushing by – only about 2 months to go now. Lots to do to organise for being away- and also for not being here if that makes sense.
Quite a lot of time is being spent on training with VSO. I went on a 3 day residential weekend in Birmingham and both before and after that I did e-learning modules assocaited with the course which was called “Preparing to Volunteer”. Met some great people through the course including one other person who is going to South Sudan. I am back to Bimingham in a couple of weeks for a 4 day course – this time it will be more on the countries we are going to in our placements.
Amongst other things I am also trying to fundraise as all VSO volunteers are expected to raise at least £1500, not for themselves but to support the development programmes. I’m writing to lots of people and asking them to sponsor me (and to act as a support network while I am away) and I am also approaching organisations for help – I’ve got 2 talks to local Rotary Clubs lined up soon.
And the rest of the time – well I’m still working for the Nursing and Midwifery Council chairing disciplinary panels, and quite busy with the church and with Abbeyfield.